Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tips to help you shed the pounds

    40 Easy Tips to Lose Weight & Keep it off

1. Never touch a fad diet again; making a “lifestyle change” is clique but necessary.
2. Drink more water; dehydration is a diet’s fastest downfall.
3. Don’t implement diet changes without implementing exercise and expect to see results, and vice versa.
4. Workout like you mean it - tune in to what you’re actually doing and burn more calories!
5. Make food choices based off of a food’s value towards your health, rather than for it’s calorie content.

6. Don’t beat yourself up over slip-ups; it’s all about moderation and dwelling on a blunder or two won’t get you anywhere.
7. Avoid all foods with fake sweetener in them. They are hunger inducing and unhealthy.
8. Replace one meal a day with fresh vegetable juices.
9. Use intervals to crank up the number of calories you burn while you’re working out.
10. Multitask. Never do just one thing at once. Pace while on the phone, turn on music and dance around while you clean, ect.

11. Pack your gym bag with you to work so that you have no excuse to skip an end-of-day workout.
12. Add beans to your diet. They are high in fiber, protein, vitamins, and are very filling.
13. Eat small meals every few hours; it keeps your metabolism stoked and you’ll never feel famished.
14. Put on muscle; a toned body looks great and muscle burns calories faster than fat.
15. Stop making excuses! Even if some of them are legitimate, they are not doing you any favors!

16. Become a fidgeter.
17. Don’t avoid carbs…or fat…or protein…they’re ALL necessary for healthy bodily function and the perception of feeling full.
18. Switch from oatmeal to steel cut oats, white rice to brown, sugar loaded yogurts to plain.
19. Keep a food journal; it significantly boosts your chances of losing weight and it can be an eye opening experience as to how well you meet your body’ nutritional needs.
20. Try wearing a Bodymedia Fit or Bodybugg.

21. Indulge in healthy fats; avocados, nuts, and olives all have heart healthy fat.
22. When you get the mindless munchies, force yourself to complete a Sudoku or crossword puzzle before you open the cupboards.
23. Be honest with yourself about your diet habits and caloric intake. Even if you don’t get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, the calories still count.
24. Make the majority of your diet revolve around foods that don’t come from a bag or box.
25. Use spices to add flavor to your meals instead of salt. Sodium is prevalent in nearly all foods, so use spices to add kick to your dishes.

26. Stay away from frozen weight loss meals and other canned meal plans. They are really not healthy (even when they say they are) and don’t teach you how to listen to your body in terms of portion control.
27. Avoid nutritionally null and void foods; sodas, juice, white flour, and anything with added sugar.
28. Wear a pedometer and force yourself to hit your daily step goals.
29. Pack your own lunches for work.
30. Switch your double fudge mocha caramel latte for a brewed coffee with a bit of 1% milk.

31. Switch out sedentary video games for games that burn calories.
32. Surround yourself with people who love and respect you, and support your goals for becoming healthier.
33. If you are still drinking soda, stop!
34. Pick up a hobby that requires movement. Of. Any. Kind.
35. Switch after dinner desserts from pies and candy to yogurt and berries, or dark chocolate and fruit.

36 Eat off of smaller plates; a “full plate” of food can be relative to how large your dishes are!
37. Do your own yard work; stop paying the neighbor boy and go push that lawnmower around!
38. Eat yogurt; studies have found that people who eat yogurt lose more fat than those who don’t.
39. Learn to cook and be proud about the healthy and wholesome dishes you can create.
40. Walk on your lunch breaks; you can burn 200 calories on just a short 30-minute lunch.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The benefits of Green tea

The healthy benefits of the Green Tea are enormous. Not only does the green tea taste good, but it’s good for our bodies.
  • Green tea helps to reduce the incidences of colon, bladder, esophageal, pancreas, rectal and stomach cancer by up to 60%. The antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate in green tea is very effective in fighting these forms of cancers.
  • Green tea helps to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the ratio of good cholesterol (HDL).
  • Green tea helps to stop the development of blood clots which lead to strokes and heart attacks.
  • Green tea helps to reduce high blood pressure.
  • Green tea helps to lower blood sugar levels and prevents Type 2 diabetes.
  • Green tea helps to protect the liver against toxins.
  • Green tea helps to promote oral health by destroying the bacteria that forms plaque.
  • Green tea helps destroys free radicals.
  • Green tea helps to boost the immune system.
  • Green tea has antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • Green tea helps to maintain a healthy fluid balance which helps to relieve stress and fatigue.
  • Green tea helps to stimulate your metabolism which helps with weight loss.
Side Effects
Green tea does have some side effects but most come from the caffeine. One 6 oz. cup of green tea contains approximately 30 mg. of caffeine. People who are caffeine sensitive should take green tea supplements instead of brewing their own tea.
More than 6 cups of green tea daily can cause sleeplessness, irregular heart beat, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, and loss of appetite.
People with heart conditions, anxiety, panic attacks, kidney disease and sensitive stomachs should be cautioned about ingesting green tea.
For people who want the benefits of green tea but don’t like the taste, green tea supplements are available. The dietary supplements normally come in 500 mg capsules which are to be taken two to three times daily.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Show me the panda

low calorie all natural Banana pancakes


- 1 ripe banana
- 2 whole eggs

That's it. Just mix together in a bowl and make sure the banana is all mashed. Then spray your pan with some "spray & cook" or coconut oil. On a low to medium heat, scoop some of the batter into the pan & give it about 20-30 sec, flip, and done! Serve and eat!

*Some advice would be to make them small so its easier to flip

Under 250 calories, nearly 14g of protein! No processed anything! These pancakes are gluten free, low calorie.

Lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks

It's easy to follow and a good jump start to any weight loss, If you do this Drop 10 workout daily for 2 weeks you can lose up to 10 pounds or more depending on your diet.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sassy Water: A Flat Belly diet recipe

You've probably heard that you need about eight glasses of water a day for adequate hydration. Drinking water and even eating "watery" foods like melon, greens, and other fruits and vegetables has enormous health benefits, including warding off fatigue. But perhaps the most important belly benefit of proper hydration is how it helps maintain your body's proper fluid balance and guard against water retention. It also helps prevent constipation, which can cause bloating.
Eight glasses of water is just a guideline; everyone's fluid needs vary according to activity level and body. But eight is a good starting point. All fluids (and water-packed foods) count toward your overall fluid intake, but bear in mind that not all of these fluids are permitted on the Flat Belly Diet'

The Sassy Water Recipe

2 liters water (about 8 ½ cups)
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
1 medium lemon, thinly sliced
12 small spearmint leaves.
Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and let flavors blend overnight.
Drink the entire pitcher by the end of each day.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

6 Workouts that burn 500 calories each!

Many women mistakenly believe that the only way to lose weight is by going to the gym every day and spending hours on the treadmill or elliptical. And while many women suffer through these long, boring workouts, others refuse to do it, because they just don’t have the time or patience.
Here’s the good news- you don’t have to sacrifice precious hours of your life to get in a good workout! Actually, you can stop going to the gym completely and still lose weight. All you really need is yourself, a good training plan and the will and determination to go out and work hard for 20-30 minutes five to six days a week.
So are you ready to get started? We have 6 different challenging workouts for you to try, at the gym or outside, to burn 500 calories in 30 minutes or less!

178240865Workout 1: Switch It Up

This workout can be performed outside or on a treadmill.
0-5 minutes: Warm-up, light jog
5-6 minutes: Pushups
6-8 minutes:  Run
8-9 minutes: Overhead squats
9-11 minutes: Run
11-12 minutes: Pushups
12-14 minutes: Run
14-15 minutes: Squat jumps
                                                                                                                     15-17 minutes: Run
                                                                                                                    17-18 minutes: Walking lunges
                                                                                                                    18-20 minutes: Run
                                                                                                                    20-25 minutes: Cool down, light jog

Leg raisesWorkout 2: Cruel Circuit and Abs

Repeat this circuit 3 times. Take little to no rest between exercises.
20 Box or stair jumps
15 Jump lunges
10 Burpees
50 Mountain climbers
50 V-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Leg raises
Rest 1 minute

running stairs

Workout 3: Stairmaster

The best place for this workout is at track, using the bleachers to run up and down. Other options include a steep hill outside or treadmill incline (at least 5%).

0-5 minutes: Warm up, light jog
10-15 minutes: Sprint upstairs for 1 minute. Jog down. Rest for 20 seconds and repeat
15-20 minutes: 1 min sprint upstairs directly followed by 15 pushups. Jog down. Rest for 20 seconds and repeat.
20-25 minutes:  Pick a step or bos to jump up and down for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat.
25-30 minutes: Cool Down, light jog

plank position

Workout 4: Upper Body Burn

Repeat each circuit 3-4 times. Take little or no rest between exercises.

Circuit 1

Explosive pushups x 15
Knees to elbows in plank position x 20
Dips (use a bench or chair) x 15

Circuit 2

Diamond pushups x 12
 Pike ups x 15
 Side plank with leg circles x 30 seconds each side

 Circuit 3

 Decline pushups (use bench or chair) x 15
Burpees x 10
 Alternating bicycles x 20


Workout 5: Lower Body Burn

Repeat each circuit 3-4 times. Take little or no rest between exercises.

Circuit 1

Speed squats x 15
Reverse lunges x 10 each leg
Leg lifts x 15

Circuit 2

Plie squat pulses x 20
                                                                   Lateral lunges x 10 each leg
                                                                   Mountain climbers x 20

                                                                Circuit 3

                                                          Jumps squats x 15
                                                       Walking lunges x 10
                                                        Scissor kicks x 20

total bodyWorkout 5: Total Body Burn

Repeat each circuit 3-4 times. Take little or no rest between exercises.

Circuit 1

Pushup burpees x 15
Glute bridge with 1 leg raised x 10 each leg
Plank hold x 1 minute

Circuit 2

Lunge to pushup x 10 each leg
Russian twists with feet raised x 20
 Tuck jumps x 10

   Circuit 3

 Scorpion pushups x 15
Split jumps with arms overhead x 10 each side
Downward speed punching x 20